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Bodybuilding Male Posing Trunks
Consists of One Round in a group comparison presentation. Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence. Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, an relative position of parts on opposite sides
Bodybuilding Male Posing Trunks
Consists of One Round in a group comparison presentation. Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence. Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, an relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plan or center of axis. Competitors will be instructed by the Head Judge to stand erect with their feet together, and arms down to their sides of their torso, shoulders and head facing directly front. Symmetry is defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts such as: Shoulder caps to the arms and to the calfs Barrel of the chest to the quadriceps together Upper torso tapering down to the waist and hips Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command as they are judged on overall balance, shape of their physique. Their structure should be overall aesthetically pleasing from all four sides viewed. Round 1- Muscularity, Definition & Separation: Competitors will perform a number of mandatory poses on command of the Head Judge. The competitors will be judged on overall muscularity and size, muscle shape and fullness, and muscle density. Definition is judged on the competitor’s distinct muscular detail level that separates the different muscle groups of their physique while attaining the mass and fullness of their muscle groups. A very conditioned and very stringy runners look is NOT acceptable in this division.
Each competitor will be allowed a maximum of 90 seconds (some events will have a time restraint of 60 seconds) to display their physique, physical conditioning, and the competitor’s overall presentation through their posing routine. The competitor to provide posing routine music at registration.USB (Universal Serial Bus) your music must be labeled and easy to find. No cell phones.
Kids (6-8yrs & 9-12yrs) Teenage (13-17yrs & 18-19yrs) Junior (20-23yrs) Jr. Masters (35-39yrs) Masters (40-49yrs) Grand Masters (50-59yrs) Ultra Masters (60-69yrs) Super Ultra Masters (70-79yrs) Super Platinum Masters (80+yrs) Novice Men (Height Classes if permit) Open Men (Height Classes if permit) Professional (Height Classes if permit)
Men’s Bodybuilding PRO Divisions
Bodybuilding Male Posing Trunks
Athletes must be compliant with this formula to enter
Height (cm) – 100 =/< Bodyweight
eg. 173cm – 103 = 70kg this athlete must be this weight or less at athlete check in the day prior to competition. Athletes will be measured and weighed by the respective country's INBA PNBA Official at athlete
Bodybuilding Male Posing Trunks
Athletes must be compliant with this formula to enter
Height (cm) – 100 =/< Bodyweight
eg. 173cm – 103 = 70kg this athlete must be this weight or less at athlete check in the day prior to competition. Athletes will be measured and weighed by the respective country's INBA PNBA Official at athlete check in. NO ENTRIES ON COMPETITION DAY PERMITTED.
Consists of One Round in a group comparison presentation. Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence. Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, an relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plan or center of axis. Competitors will be instructed by the Head Judge to stand erect with their feet together, and arms down to their sides of their torso, shoulders and head facing directly front. Symmetry is defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts such as: Shoulder caps to the arms and to the calves. Barrel of the chest to the quadriceps together Upper torso tapering down to the waist and hips Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command as they are judged on overall balance, shape of their physique. Their structure should be overall aesthetically pleasing from all four sides viewed. Round 1- Muscularity, Definition & Separation: Competitors will perform a number of mandatory poses on command of the Head Judge. The competitors will be judged on overall muscularity and size, muscle shape and fullness, and muscle density. Definition is judged on the competitor’s distinct muscular detail level that separates the different muscle groups of their physique while attaining the mass and fullness of their muscle groups.
Each competitor will be allowed a maximum of 60 seconds to display their physique, physical conditioning, and the competitor’s overall presentation through their posing routine. Your music to be emailed to us in .mp3 format.
Kids (6-8yrs & 9-12yrs)
Teenage (13-17yrs & 18-19yrs)
Junior (20-23yrs)
Jr. Masters (35+)
Masters (40+)
Grand Masters (50+)
Ultra Masters (60+)
Super Ultra Masters (70+)
Super Platinum Masters (80+) Novice Men (Height Classes if permit) Open Men (Height Classes if permit) Professional (Height Classes if permit)
Men’s Physique PRO Divisions
Board Shorts (No Elastic Waist Band)
Consists of two rounds in a group comparison presentation. Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence. Men’s Physique has less Muscular Mass than Men’s Bodybuilding. Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspo
Board Shorts (No Elastic Waist Band)
Consists of two rounds in a group comparison presentation. Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence. Men’s Physique has less Muscular Mass than Men’s Bodybuilding. Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or center of axis. Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command while in their “Physique Stage Stance” The lower torso is exempt from being judged. Symmetry is defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts such as: Shoulder caps to the arms and to the calfs Barrel of the chest to the quadriceps together Upper torso tapering down to the waist and hips Round 2- Muscularity, Definition & Separation: Competitors will perform a number of mandatory poses on command of the Head Judge. (Not Allowed: Front Lat Spread, Crab Most Muscular) The competitors will be judged on overall muscularity and size, muscle shape and fullness, and muscle density. Definition is judged on the competitor’s distinct muscular detail level that separates the different muscle groups of their physique while attaining the mass and fullness of their muscle groups. A very conditioned and very stringy runners look is NOT acceptable in this division.
Perform a T-Walk OR I-Walk T- Walk: Start from the back center stage marker Walk to the front center stage marker Walk to the left stage marker Walk to the right stage marker Walk back to the center stage marker, display back pose I-Walk: Start from the back center stage marker Walk to the front center stage marker, display front and back pose ***The Back Pose is the last pose performed during T-Walk OR I-Walk*** Not following the markers on stage and the steps listed above may result in deduction of points. (The markers on stage represent the best lighting for judges and photographers)
Teenage (13-17yrs & 18-19yrs) Junior (20-23yrs) Jr. Masters (35-39yrs) Masters (40-49yrs) Grand Masters (50-59yrs) Ultra Masters (60-69yrs) Super Ultra Masters (70-79yrs) Novice Men (Height Classes if permit) Open Men (Height Classes if permit) Professional Men (Height Classes if permit)
Men’s Physique PRO Divisions
Classic Physique Posing Trunks/Shorts
Consists of Two Rounds: Group comparison and posing routine. Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence. Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on oppo
Classic Physique Posing Trunks/Shorts
Consists of Two Rounds: Group comparison and posing routine. Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence. Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plan or center of axis. Competitors will be instructed by the Head Judge to stand erect with their feet together, and arms down to their sides of their torso, shoulders and head facing directly front. Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command as they are judged on overall balance, shape of their physique. Their structure should be overall aesthetically pleasing from all four sides viewed. Symmetry is defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts such as: Shoulder caps to the arms and to the calfs Barrel of the chest to the quadriceps together Upper torso tapering down to the waist and hips Round 1- Muscularity, Definition & Separation: Competitors will perform a number of mandatory poses and “Classic Physique” poses on command of the Head Judge. The competitors will be judged on overall muscularity and size, muscle shape and fullness, and muscle density. Definition is judged on the competitor’s distinct muscular detail level that separates the different muscle groups of their physique while attaining the mass and fullness of their muscle groups. A very conditioned and very stringy runners look is NOT acceptable in this division.
Each competitor will be allowed a maximum of 90 seconds (some events will have a max of 60 seconds) Creativity and “Classic Physique” Pose(s) must be portrayed in posing routine along with presentation of physique and physical conditioning in the overall routine. Competitor to provide posing routine music at registration in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) your music must be labeled and easy to find. No cell phones.
Jr. Masters (35-39yrs) Masters (40-49yrs) Grand Masters (50-59yrs) Ultra Masters (60-69yrs) Super Ultra Masters (70-79yrs) Novice Men (Height Classes if permit) Open Men (Height Classes if permit) Professional Men (Height Classes if permit)
Men’s Classic PRO Divisions
Men’s Box Cut Swimwear No speech, props or sports themed outfits permitted.
Consists of One Round Judging Criteria is based on presentation, overall suave, personality, athletic conditioned body, and marketability. Round 1- Consists of T-Walk OR I Walk. Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size
Men’s Box Cut Swimwear No speech, props or sports themed outfits permitted.
Consists of One Round Judging Criteria is based on presentation, overall suave, personality, athletic conditioned body, and marketability. Round 1- Consists of T-Walk OR I Walk. Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or center of axis. Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command.
Perform a T-Walk OR I-Walk T- Walk: Start from the back center stage marker Walk to the front center stage marker Walk to the left stage marker Walk to the right stage marker Walk back to the center stage marker, display back pose I-Walk: Start from the back center stage marker Walk to the front center stage marker, display front and back pose ***The Back Pose is the last pose performed during T-Walk OR I-Walk*** Not following the markers on stage and the steps listed above may result in deduction of points. (The markers on stage represent the best lighting for judges and photographers)
Jr. Masters (35-39yrs) Masters (40-49yrs) Grand Masters (50-59yrs) Ultra Masters (60-69yrs) Super Ultra Masters (70-79yrs) Novice Men (Height Classes if permit) Open Men (Height Classes if permit) Professional Men (Height Classes if permit)
Men’s Sports Model PRO Divisions
Open Only
Masters 40+
Male: Bodybuilding Posing Trunks
Female: Bodybuilding or Bikini Suit
Consists of Two Rounds in a group comparison & posing routine. All rounds are judged.
Judging Criteria is based on the pairs symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence.
Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Corre
Male: Bodybuilding Posing Trunks
Female: Bodybuilding or Bikini Suit
Consists of Two Rounds in a group comparison & posing routine. All rounds are judged.
Judging Criteria is based on the pairs symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence.
Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, a relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or median plan or center of axis.
Symmetry is defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts such as:
Shoulder caps to the arms and to the calfs
Barrel of the chest to the quadriceps together
Upper torso tapering down to the waist and hips
Definition is judged on the competitor’s distinct muscular detail level that separates the different muscle groups of their physique while attaining the mass and fullness of their muscle groups. A very conditioned and very stringy runners look is NOT acceptable in this division.
Competitors will be instructed by the Head Judge to stand erect with their feet together, and arms down to their sides of their torso, shoulders and head facing directly front.
Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command as they are judged on overall balance, shape of their physique. Their structure should be overall aesthetically pleasing from all four sides viewed.
Each Mixed Pair will be allowed a maximum of 90 seconds (some events will have a max of 60 seconds) Creativity and Synchronized Pose(s) must be portrayed in posing routine along with presentation of physique and physical conditioning in the overall routine. Competitors to provide posing routine music at registration in a USB (Universal Serial Bus) your music must be labeled and easy to find. No cell phones.
Only open Class and No Pro Class
Bodybuilding Posing Trunks / Shorts / Board shorts. Importantly to show the tattoos you want the judges and audience to see.
Consists of One Round Judging Criteria is based on Ink/Tattoos that are visible, presentation, individuality, confidence, and composure. Round 1- Consists of T-Walk OR I-Walk, Symmetry
Bodybuilding Posing Trunks / Shorts / Board shorts. Importantly to show the tattoos you want the judges and audience to see.
Consists of One Round Judging Criteria is based on Ink/Tattoos that are visible, presentation, individuality, confidence, and composure. Round 1- Consists of T-Walk OR I-Walk, Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or center of axis. Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command. The competitor will give a 30 second speech explaining the significance of their Ink/Tattoos.
Perform a T-Walk OR I-Walk T- Walk: Start from the back center stage marker Walk to the front center stage marker Walk to the left stage marker Walk to the right stage marker Walk back to the center stage marker, display back pose I-Walk: Start from the back center stage marker Walk to the front center stage marker, display front and back pose ***The Back Pose is the last pose performed during T-Walk OR I-Walk*** Not following the markers on stage and the steps listed above may result in deduction of points.
Only Amateur Open Class and No Pro Class
Something that complements you.
The judges will be looking for a combination of these objectives:
Something that complements you.
The judges will be looking for a combination of these objectives:
Bodybuilding Male Posing Trunks
Consists of One Round in a group comparison presentation.
Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence.
Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides
Bodybuilding Male Posing Trunks
Consists of One Round in a group comparison presentation.
Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence.
Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or center of axis.
Competitors will be instructed by the Head Judge to stand erect with their feet together, and arms down to their sides of their torso, shoulders and head facing directly front.
Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command as they are judged on overall balance, shape of their physique. Their structure should be overall aesthetically pleasing from all four sides viewed.
Symmetry is defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts such as:
Shoulder caps to the arms and to the calfs
Barrel of the chest to the quadriceps together
Upper torso tapering down to the waist and hips
Round 1- Muscularity, Definition & Separation: Competitors will perform a number of mandatory poses on command of the Head Judge. The competitors will be judged on overall muscularity and size, muscle shape and fullness, and muscle density.
Definition is judged on the competitor’s distinct muscular detail level that separates the different muscle groups of their physique while attaining the mass and fullness of their muscle groups.
Each competitor will be allowed a maximum of 90 seconds (some events will have a time restraint of 60 seconds) to display their physique, physical conditioning, and the competitors overall presentation through their posing routine. Competitor to provide posing routine music at registration. CD in audio format.
Open Men
Athletic Attire (Competitors choice)
Consists of One Round in a group comparison presentation.
Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence.
Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite s
Athletic Attire (Competitors choice)
Consists of One Round in a group comparison presentation.
Judging Criteria is based on symmetry, muscularity, definition, (conditioning) and stage presence.
Round 1- Symmetry of Proportion: Definition: Correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides of a dividing line or center of axis.
Competitors will make quarter turns to the right on command as they are judged on overall balance, shape of their physique. Their structure should be overall aesthetically pleasing from all four sides viewed.
Symmetry is defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts such as:
Shoulder caps to the arms and to the calfs
Barrel of the chest to the quadriceps together
Upper torso tapering down to the waist and hips
Round 1- Muscularity, Definition & Separation: Competitors will perform a number of mandatory poses on command of the Head Judge. The competitors will be judged on overall muscularity and size, muscle shape and fullness, and muscle density.
Definition is judged on the competitor’s distinct muscular detail level that separates the different muscle groups of their physique while attaining the mass and fullness of their muscle groups.
Each competitor will be allowed a maximum of 90 seconds (some events will have a time restraint of 60 seconds) to display their physique, physical conditioning, and the competitors overall presentation through their posing routine. Competitor to provide posing routine music at registration. CD in audio format.
Open Men
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